Thursday, January 28, 2016

Tackling Repairs

"My dog chewed it up."
"I had a carton of chocolate milk in my bookbag."
"I left it outside."
"My little brother colored in it."
"I took all the labels off & now I don't know where they are."
"I don't know how that happened."

We've heard it all when it comes to damaged books. But honestly, it doesn't matter how it happened, we still need to see if it can be repaired and how to do it. I have a pile of books that I need to get to and I have struggled for the past 6 years to decide how to best tackle the task. Do I have a book hospital and get to it later? Do I drop everything and work on it right away? (Not always an option folks.) Do I just discard the book since my time is at a premium? I have not found a hard and fast rule to follow on this.

What I can say about book repair is that you should follow your instincts. Do what works best for you. One of the best book repair people I know says you should never have a book hospital and you should repair books as you see them come in. She, however, is a high school librarian and as much as I would love to do just that, being in an elementary school does not really afford me the luxury of time. On a day I have 8 classes at 30 minutes each, repairing books just doesn't fit in my schedule. I'm working on a new time management plan and it involves more scheduling tasks and less to do lists. I am finding it works much better. (One of my scheduled tasks is blogging and this is my third week so it seems to be helping.)

What are some ways you've found that work for fitting in book repairs? Do you have a system? Help!

Thursday, January 21, 2016

One School, One Book Take 2

Cover of The Lemonade War
Reading Lemonade War
with my daughter
My school did One School, One Book last year. We read The Lemonade War by Jacqueline Davies and had lots of fun activities to go with it. We had trivia questions every morning on the announcements that our principal graded answers and posted the classes' scores. We had a kickoff with a short skit from the book. We even dressed up like our favorite book characters to celebrate reading. It created quite a buzz and parents were asked to read the chapter book to their children regardless of if the student was in Kindergarten or 5th grade. Everyone loved it!

Principal as a lemon!
My role as the teacher librarian in all of this was largely unseen. I helped in ways that the students would not notice. I had the role of helping find copies of the books at reasonable prices. That's a large task when you need 600 copies! I helped organize events and corral kids as they filed in and out. And this year, I have been helping the School Improvement Team with the selection process for this year's book. I won't spill the beans on here about the title they are thinking about choosing but I will say, it's a really good one.

Is your school thinking about doing One School, One Book? What title are you going to choose? If not, what is standing in your way? I hope more schools decide to try this fun activity to get your kids excited about reading!

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Organization as the Key to Success

I read somewhere that highly successful people don't make to do lists but they schedule tasks to complete. I am finding that difficult as time management is a task that anyone in a school finds daunting. I have had my blog on my calendar for Thursdays at 10 AM for some time but I have found myself putting it off to finish shelving or work on books or some other pressing task. And, of course, there has been no time to write because I did not find time to do it. People make time and find money for the things they want to find time and money for. This applies to everything in my job and at home too.

My office is slowly becoming a peaceful organized space where I actually enjoy working. I have started to purge clutter that hasn't been touched in the 6 years I've worked at this school. I'm loving the changes and it has taken me some time to work on my long held bad habits. I am noticing that it makes me a better person overall and I am able to help my students grow without becoming overwhelmed and frustrated by my surroundings.

I hope to put more tasks on my schedule soon but I'm starting slowly. Baby steps to make my way! What are some ideas you have had to become more organized?